6 Reasons Travel Is Good For The Soul
Whether you’ve had amazing experiences traveling around the globe or you’ve yet to find the right time to trek further than the next state over, you can probably agree that the promise of travel is exhilarating. There is just something about it that feels freeing and exciting. There’s so much possibility, regardless of where you’re going and that’s pushed countless people to explore everywhere the world has to offer.

But there are many who aren’t quite ready to make that journey yet. Find yourself in these ranks or know someone who is? Sometimes all it takes is a simple push. So, here are the top six reasons you should get out of dodge and start traveling the world today.
Travel Exposes You to New Ideas and Cultures
One of the most amazing things about the world is that we’re all different. We have different cultures, languages, religions, skin colors, traditions – the list goes on and on. But in the past, we’ve had limited access to seeing this. What we did see was limited and largely out of our control, told to us rather than us seeing it for ourselves. This is changing as the world changes.
With the internet, social media, constant industrialization, and globalization, we’re starting to become more and more connected. We can share our lives and communicate in a way we’ve never been able to before, but there’s still a degree of separation.

Traveling eliminates this and puts us right in the center of lives and cultures completely different to our own. Through this, we learn new ideas and viewpoints and understand the beauty of diversity, and thus tend to be more caring, accepting, and compassionate people as a result.
You’ll Better Appreciate Your Friends and Family
You know that old saying, “absence makes the heart grow fonder?” It may sound cheesy, but it’s true. Being surrounded by something day in and day out desensitizes us to it, and we begin to slowly take those things for granted. No matter how lucky we know we are to have them, sometimes we just don’t truly understand how valuable they are. Friends and family are a big part of this.
Meanwhile, traveling takes us out of our usual spheres and comfort zones. Those people who always have our backs are still there but significantly further away. We can’t see them or hug them or have the same interactions when we’re halfway across the globe! And despite that being very difficult at times, it’s a good thing because it reminds us how lucky we are. Then whether we’re near or far in the years to come, we’ll appreciate these people much more.
The Journey Builds Character
As we said before, traveling takes you out of your comfortable bubble. You see people and places who have it a lot harder than you. And not only this, but you’re probably also going to be thrown into challenging, potentially scary or stressful situations along the way. Unlike when you’re at home, there’s also not that much for you to lean on when this happens.
You’re forced to be resourceful and inventive. Your organizational skills will see massive increases, you’ll become more self-reliant, and simultaneously, you’ll probably learn how to ask for help, too. Basically, the journey of becoming a world traveler is one that builds grit and character, something useful no matter whether you’re in Cambodia or facing challenges right at home.

You’ll Be Introduced to Unfamiliar Foods and Flavors
Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that food is life. And if you’re a foodie – or, alternatively, have been wandering around with a rather empty stomach for a few days – you’ll be inclined to agree. It’s one of the major pleasures of life and is something to be thoroughly enjoyed. Luckily, traveling gives you plenty of opportunities to do just that.
Regardless of where you end up, you’ll no doubt run into some incredible food you’ve never seen before. Your tastebuds will get a workout, introduced to dishes and flavors you’ve never even dreamed of, and you’ll discover more than your fair share of favorites along the way. You can then take these experiences back home with you and introduce them to friends and family who would otherwise never be exposed to them, either. New delicious food is always a thing to be welcomed, so embrace it!
Seeing the World Makes You Develop New Skills
Related to the self-reliance we mentioned previously, traveling the world naturally forces you to develop new skills. After all, you’re in a completely different place than your usual. You’re in new situations – encountering those who speak languages, live lives, and have traditions or ways of doing things that you don’t fully understand. That necessitates growing to know things you would’ve never bothered to learn once upon a time. What these new skills are will be entirely up to where you’re traveling, the culture and people you’re surrounded by.
However, some of the most common skills you’re likely to acquire include planning, time management, adaptability, language/communication, and map navigation/comprehension.

In fact, this last skill is probably one of the most crucial when you’re traveling. Need help building it up? Push Pin maps may be just the solution as they come in several styles, usually provide clear labeling, and assist you in getting plenty of map reading practice. Plus, they’re a great visual reminder of places you want to visit or have already visited, making it practical, motivational, and stylish all-in-one.
Life Will Feel More Meaningful and Special
Still need one more reason to take the plunge and set off on your grand journey? Well, maybe this will be the one to inspire you – it certainly inspires us. Travelling puts you in all sorts of difficult and incredible positions. You learn languages that are entirely new to you, taste some of the best dishes you’ve ever eaten, and encounter music that speaks to you on a deep level.
You see sights that are truly breathtaking, meet people who will become lifelong friends, and create memories that you’ll cherish forever. That’s something incredibly special, and every bit of it adds up in the end, molding your life into something unique, special, and most importantly, meaningful. Travel gives your life meaning, and if that’s not a good reason to drop what you’re doing and go for it, we don’t know what is.