Temperatures are starting to fall, the trees are finally changing color, and the Starbucks menu just got a lot more interesting. That can only mean one thing: the holiday season is almost here. Stressing about how to shop for your partner who loves all things travel? Here are ten wanderlust-worthy gifts that should be a huge hit once the wrapping paper and bows come out to play.
Pinnable World Map

There’s little better than treating your significant other to something a touch special, but if they’re the sort who’s constantly on the move, the old standby of chocolate or flowers might feel stale. Want a better option that your partner will thoroughly appreciate? This holiday season, be sure to buy them a pinnable wall map such as our personalized world voyager one or perhaps the World Pioneer for something more stylized and vintage-inspired. High-quality, clearly labeled and fully updated, both options are perfect for tracking where they’ve been and where they want to go alike, fostering their curious spirit along the way.
City Print

When we think about maps, on the whole, our first thought is function. After all, they’re generally used primarily as a practical tool, whether for navigation or just simple education. Practicality is king in these situations, and appearance is disregarded as long as the usage is still there. However, maps don’t have to be restricted to this! They can also be incredibly artistic, making for excellent decoration around any home or office. City prints are often especially so and make fantastic gifts because of it. Available in a range of city options and eye-catching colors, there’s a map art even the pickiest of significant others will be proud to display.
Raised Relief Map

One of the biggest problems with maps happens also to be one of their major strong suits: they’re two-dimensional. That’s a huge perk for portability and means we can take them anywhere we need them to be, no fuss required. Unfortunately, this frustratingly disallows us from fully understanding scale or true layout – a real danger if you need to navigate around hazards and obstacles. Although, raised relief maps offer a solution, showing terrain in 3D for more accurate representation without giving up the perks of being largely flat. Navigation is made a total breeze, making it a must-have purchase for anybody who wants to see their favorite traveler come home safe and sound.
Nautical Chart

Many of us may be perfectly happy to stay landlocked until the end of time, but there are definitely those who could hate nothing more. Some folks simply adore the open waters that make others queasy and thoroughly appreciate everything our oceans have to give. Have a partner who fits the description? Give them the gift of easier travels by sending a couple of NOAA or NGA charts their way sometime this holiday season. Reliable, always up-to-date, and printed on fine bond or waterproof paper, any captain worth their (sea) salt will love this gift.
Specialty Custom Map

As we’ve constantly tried to communicate, maps are more than mere objects you’re expected to take on a road trip or an unfamiliar hike. They’re a form of art that’s very personal – telling the story of who we are through the places our hearts long for us to be. They can mean something very special for people, and if the other half of your heart longs to explore the world, that probably remains true for them, too. Lean into that by getting a custom map made for them before the holidays hit. Traveler maps, city maps, USGS markers, and more are all up for grabs in a variety of colors, fonts, and overlays so they’re as unique as the person set to receive them!
Travel Guides

In the writing world, it’s commonly agreed upon that there are two distinct categories of people: planners and “pantsers.” But these categories easily transcend only authors or content writers. They are a pretty good summation of travelers, too, consisting of those who adore their itineraries and tightly-packed schedules and those who’d much rather fly by the seat of their pants, opting for spontaneity over color-coordinated calendars. The former sound reminiscent of your other (arguably better) half? You can indulge their more methodical approach by throwing a few travel guides under the tree this year. From National Parks to NYC trails and everything in between, we’ve got them covered.

Personal taste is just that: personal. We each have our specific likes and dislikes, some preferring loud and busy while others would much rather go for something subtle and minimalistic. Yet there is something nearly all of us can agree on – globes just naturally look right at home in an office or study. They always lend an air of sophistication and elegance, regardless of whether the space tends more classic and dark or light and airy, not to mention that they can be remarkably handy to have on hand. Snag one for your partner’s office, and you’ll quickly level up their work area with little effort on either of your parts.
Historical Map

For the history buff partner out there, there’s no end to the number of awesome gifts you can find to pique their interest. Old antiques from a bygone era, deep-delving documentaries, jaw-dropping ancient city VR experiences, and more prove there’s surely no shortage of great options. But sometimes, it’s the simplest things that really do the trick, and historical maps zoom to the top of the list. Why? Because they give insight into the past while working functioning well as a piece of unique décor. And bonus, they’re something your significant other will can see every day, keeping both you and their love of history fresh in mind.
National Park Maps

Progress is a wonderful thing, but it doesn’t come without consequences, namely the loss of our natural spaces. As development increases, places of lush green decrease, taking away from both the wildlife we should be protecting and our own experiences. National Parks seek to preserve some of this, though, allowing animals to flourish and enabling millions to see the wonder of nature up close. Help your partner become part of this pack by counting a few national park maps amongst their seasonal presents and carving out some time in your busy schedules for a trip. Educational, romantic, and relaxing, a week or two at a park might well end up being your favorite vacation yet.
Pinnable US Map

World travelers always seem to get the most airtime, talking about their recent trip to Prague or sharing some of the local goods picked up in Brazil. However, there’s something to be said for staying a little closer to home. Traveling the country can be just as fulfilling and liberating as whipping out the old passport. Have a girlfriend, spouse, or new romantic beau that couldn’t agree more? Splurge on one of our bestselling US maps to show your support and help them keep track of all the states they want to see or have recently visited. It’ll keep their travel plans more organized and can be a nostalgic art piece on top of it all.