Explore the Ft. Wayne & Allen County, Indiana Wall Map brought to you by Kappa Map Group. This detailed map offers complete street information without specifying its scale, ensuring you have access to valuable geographic data.
Covering the entirety of Allen County, the map’s coverage extends northward to the DeKalb County line and southward to the Allen/Wells County line, encompassing Zanesville. To the east, it reaches the Indiana/Ohio State line, while the western boundary includes the Whitley County line, including Churubusco.
Within this comprehensive map, you’ll discover a wealth of important details, including streets and highways, water features, shopping centers, recreational parks, township/section/range lines, township names and boundaries, government buildings, fire and police stations, educational facilities, golf and country clubs, city limits and annexations, ZIP codes and their boundaries, airports, hospitals, railroads, post offices, cemeteries, libraries, and notable points of interest.
Size: 64.5″ x 57″
Published: 2015