The Fayetteville & Bentonville, Arkansas Wall Map by Kappa Map Group provides complete street detail, with a coverage area that ranges as follows:
– To the North, it extends to the Missouri State Line, including all of Bella Vista, Sulphur Springs & Pea Ridge.
– To the South, it includes Prairie Grove and Greenland.
– In the East, it reaches Goshen and the Prairie Ridge National Military Park.
– To the West, it includes all of Gravette and Springtown. Insets include West Fork.
Special features and data on this map encompass airports, all streets and highways, block numbers, cemeteries, color-coded city limits, educational institutions, fire and police stations, golf and country clubs, government buildings, hospitals, libraries, points of interest, post offices, railroads, recreational parks, shopping centers, water features, ZIP codes and their boundaries, as well as section/township/range lines and numbers.
Size: 52.5″ x 76.5″
Published: 2000